1.北京中医药大学中医学院 北京 100029
Prof. DING Xia, Ph.D., Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor. School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine. No.11, Beisanhuan Donglu, Chaoyang District. Beijing 100029. E-mail: dingx@bucm.edu.cn
丁霞, 李园, 沈洪. 从精准医学的视角看中医药防治慢性胃炎“炎癌转化”[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2023,46(3):315-320.
DING Xia, LI Yuan, SHEN Hong. Prevention and treatment of "inflammation cancer transformation" of chronic gastritis with traditional Chinese medicine from the perspective of precision medicine[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2023,46(3):315-320.
丁霞, 李园, 沈洪. 从精准医学的视角看中医药防治慢性胃炎“炎癌转化”[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2023,46(3):315-320. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2023.03.005.
DING Xia, LI Yuan, SHEN Hong. Prevention and treatment of "inflammation cancer transformation" of chronic gastritis with traditional Chinese medicine from the perspective of precision medicine[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2023,46(3):315-320. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2023.03.005.
Precision medicine refers to implement "tailored" health care and clinical decision-making based on the patient’s intrinsic biological information and clinical signs. Major breakthroughs have been made not only in targeted therapy of gastric cancer and in the analysis and identification of biological markers
but also in the development of minimally invasive and precise surgery. Traditional Chinese medicine is a system that is characterized by a high degree of "individualized medicine"
where attention is paid to the influence of various factors such as constitution
and lifestyle on individual differences. "Inflammation cancer transformation" of chronic gastritis is a complex process that encompasses the digestology and oncology
involving a dynamic evolution that spans multiple pathological stages. Guided by the ideology of "preventive treatment"
Chinese medicine pays special attention to the precise prevention and treatment across the whole process and all factors involved in "inflammation cancer transformation" of chronic gastritis. The ultimate aim is to provide (i) targeted and precise management for different pathological stages
different syndrome characteristics
and different population characteristics; and (ii) active intervention based on "principle
medication" at each pathological stage
so as to block disease progression and reduce the incidence of gastric cancer. This paper discusses the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine in precision medicine
from the perspective of accuracy in theory
and treatment
in order to provide a reference for delaying
or even reversing the process of "inflammatory cancer transformation" of chronic gastritis.
precision medicinechronic gastritisgastric cancerinflammation cancer transformationtraditional Chinese medicine
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