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《青少年抑郁障碍中西医结合防治指南》编写组, 中华中医药学会心身医学分会, 中华医学会心身医学分会. 青少年抑郁障碍中西医结合防治指南[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2024,47(6):874-888. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2024.06.019.
Drafting Group of Guideline for Adolescent Depression in Prevention and Treatment with Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine Branch of China Association of Chinese Medicine, Psychosomatic Medicine Branch of Chinese Medical Association. Guideline for adolescent depression in prevention and treatment with integrated Chinese and western medicine[J]. Journal of Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2024,47(6):874-888. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2024.06.019.
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