辽宁中医药大学 沈阳 100847
胡锦浩, 孙贵炎, 杨宇峰, 等. 气血津液视域下糖尿病时空辨证的序贯诊疗模式刍议[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2025,48(1):8-13.
HU JINHAO, SUN GUIYAN, YANG YUFENG, et al. Discussion of sequential diagnosis and treatment model of diabetes mellitus of spatiotemporal syndrome differentiation from the perspective of qi, blood, and fluid. [J]. Journal of beijing university of traditional chinese medicine, 2025, 48(1): 8-13.
胡锦浩, 孙贵炎, 杨宇峰, 等. 气血津液视域下糖尿病时空辨证的序贯诊疗模式刍议[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2025,48(1):8-13. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2025.01.002.
HU JINHAO, SUN GUIYAN, YANG YUFENG, et al. Discussion of sequential diagnosis and treatment model of diabetes mellitus of spatiotemporal syndrome differentiation from the perspective of qi, blood, and fluid. [J]. Journal of beijing university of traditional chinese medicine, 2025, 48(1): 8-13. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2025.01.002.
The dysfunction of qi
and fluid underlies the pathology of diabetes mellitus. The symptoms
and physical and chemical indexes of diabetes mellitus patients reflect the duration
primary and secondary pathological state of the abnormal metabolism of qi
and fluid. It is necessary to construct a three-dimensional syndrome differentiation system of diabetes mellitus based on spatial and temporal dimensions. According to the four stages of depression
and damage
the location of the disease can be locked into qi
and blood levels. The process reflects the pathological trend of the abnormal metabolism of qi
and fluid: qi depression (prodromal stage: a
symptomatic metabolic disorder/early stage of qi level) → qi heat (initial stage: index stage/late stage of qi level) → deficiency of both qi and yin (middle stage: symptom stage of three more and one less/stage of ying level) → damage of zang-fu viscera and meridians (late stage: complication stage/stage of blood level). According to the time process
the treatment principles are proposed as follows: during the early stage of qi level
treatment should focus on strengthening the spleen to regulate qi flow
to prevent the accumulation of glucose; during the late stage of qi level
treatment should focus on clearing heat and resolving turbidity
to remove the stagnated heat caused by glucose; during the stage of ying level
treatment should focus on benefiting qi and nourishing yin
to improve the symptoms about deficiency of both qi and yin; during the stage of blood level
treatment should focus on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis
to remove the complication. According to the etiology and pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus
the sequential treatment strategy is thus proposed
which is strengthening the spleen to regulate qi flow
clearing heat and resolving turbidity
benefiting qi and nourishing yin
and promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis. The compound prescriptions such as
Houpo Sanwu
Baihu Jia Renshen
Danggui Liuhuang
Taohong Siwu
Decoction are used with modification in the stage-based treatment.
diabetes mellitusperspective of qi blood and fluidspatiotemporal syndrome differentiationsequential diagnosis and treatment
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