1.北京中医药大学东直门医院 北京 100700
倪敬年, 魏明清, 李婷, 等. 中医药精准诊疗新范式的发展构想[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2025,48(1):43-47.
NI JINGNIAN, WEI MINGQING, LI TING, et al. Development of a new paradigm for precision diagnosis and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. [J]. Journal of beijing university of traditional chinese medicine, 2025, 48(1): 43-47.
倪敬年, 魏明清, 李婷, 等. 中医药精准诊疗新范式的发展构想[J]. 北京中医药大学学报, 2025,48(1):43-47. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2025.01.006.
NI JINGNIAN, WEI MINGQING, LI TING, et al. Development of a new paradigm for precision diagnosis and treatment in traditional Chinese medicine. [J]. Journal of beijing university of traditional chinese medicine, 2025, 48(1): 43-47. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1006-2157.2025.01.006.
The development of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) diagnosis and treatment has undergone multiple paradigms
evolving from sporadic experiential practices to systematic approaches in syndrome differentiation and treatment and further integration of disease and syndrome frameworks. TCM is a vital component of the medical system
valued alongside Western medicine. Treatment based on syndrome differentiation embodies both personalized treatment and holistic approaches; however
the inconsistency and lack of stability in syndrome differentiation limit clinical efficacy. The existing integration of diseases and syndromes primarily relies on patchwork and embedded systems
where the full advantages of synergy between Chinese and Western medicine are not fully realized. Recently
driven by the development of diagnosis and treatment concepts and advances in analytical technology
Western medicine has been rapidly transforming from a traditional biological model to a precision medicine model. TCM faces a similar need to progress beyond traditional syndrome differentiation and disease-syndrome integration toward a more precise diagnosis and treatment paradigm. Unlike the micro-level precision trend of Western medicine
precision diagnosis and treatment in TCM is primarily reflected in data-driven applications that incorporate information at various levels
including precise syndrome differentiation
disease management
and efficacy evaluation. The current priority is to accelerate the development of TCM precision diagnosis and treatment technology platforms and advance discipline construction in this area.
traditional Chinese medicinesyndrome differentiation and treatmentcombination of diseases and syndromesprecision diagnosis and treatmentparadigm
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